SISSA Algebraic Geometry Seminar – Fall 2024
This is the webpage of the SISSA Algebraic Geometry Seminar. The topic for the Fall Semester 2024–2025 will be toric varieties. We meet on Mondays at 14:00 in Room 136.
Detailed schedule
- 14 October 2024, Luca Morstabilini (SISSA): Fans and toric varieties
- 21 October 2024, Giordano Crimi (SISSA): The orbit-cone correspondence
- 28 October 2024, Marco Miceli (SISSA): Separatedness and completeness of toric varieties
- 4 November 2024, Michele Graffeo (SISSA): Singularities and resolutions
- 11 November 2024, Lorenzo Cortelli (SISSA): Divisors and line bundles on toric varieties
- 18 November 2024, Andrea Grossutti (SISSA): Class group and Picard group of toric varieties
- 25 November 2024. Ugo Bruzzo (SISSA): The canonical divisor of a toric variety
- 2 December 2024, Fábio Arceu Ferreira (Universidade Federal da Paraíba): Hilbert desingularizations of abelian quotient singularities
- 9 December 2024, Alessio Sammartano (Politecnico di Milano): Components and singularities of Hilbert schemes of points.
Abstract. The Hilbert scheme of points in affine n-dimensional space parametrizes finite subschemes of a given length. It is smooth and irreducible if n is at most 2, singular and reducible if n is at least 3. Understanding its irreducible components, their singularities and birational geometry, has long been an inaccessible problem. In this talk, I will describe substantial progress on this problem achieved in recent years. In particular, I will focus on the problem of rationality of components. This is based on a joint work with Gavril Farkas and Rahul Pandharipande. - Fri 13 December 2024 at 11:00, Room 134, Okke van Garderen (SISSA):
Quiver models for moduli of sheaves on CY threefolds
Abstract. Enumerative geometry is full of moduli spaces for which one would like a concrete description. One particularly nice method is to embed a part of the moduli space into the moduli space of representations of a quiver. In this talk I consider the moduli of semistable sheaves on a Calabi-Yau threefold, for which the embedding is always a critical locus of a noncommutative function called a potential. I will explain an analytic construction of this quiver with potential due to Toda for a projective threefold, and discuss its generalisation to the non-compact setting.