Homepage of Andrea Ricolfi

SISSA Algebraic Geometry Seminar 2024–2025

This is the webpage of the SISSA Algebraic Geometry Seminar.

Past local seminars at SISSA

• Reading seminar on Hilbert schemes (Spring 2024).
• Reading seminar on Deformation Theory (Fall 2023).
• Reading seminar on Geometric invariant theory (Spring 2023).
• Reading seminar on Bridgeland stability conditions (Fall 2022).
• Units-SISSA Algebraic Geometry seminar (2020–2021).

Things I (co)organised

The geometry of Hilbert schemes of points (Levico Terme, 6–10 May 2024).
Quiver Representations, Quiver Varieties and Combinatorics, (Bologna, 22–26 May 2023).
Refined invariants in moduli theory, (Trieste, 2–5 May, 2023).
Moduli spaces: theory and coding, (Les Diablerets, 27 Feb 2023 – 3 Mar 2023).