Homepage of Andrea Ricolfi

Algebraic Geometry (2023–2024)

This is the non-official webpage of the course Algebraic Geometry, delivered in the academic year 2023–2024 to the Laurea Magistrale of the University of Trieste and the PhD program at SISSA. See also the UNITS webpage of the course and the academic calendar (including holidays).

Schedule and meetings

Lecture are in Room 134 (SISSA) every Tuesday 9:00–11:00 and every Thursday 11:00–13:00, starting on October 3rd, 2023. Here is the detailed schedule.
Office hours: Just drop me an email.


Bibliographic references

• Qing Liu, Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves, Oxford University Press (2006)
• Robin Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry, GTM, volume 52, Springer New York (1977)

Possible exam topics

Past Teaching